Defining Venice  |  Printed Images

So much of what we find compelling, even inspiring, is banal, banal in the sense of commonplace. These are things at once overdone yet completely riveting in their appeal.
          To parallel ­Agatha Christie who said “it is completely unimportant, that is why it is so interesting”, the place that is Venice has been beguiling for centuries. Each visioning unfolds anew, astonishing and fresh, even in the shadow of all that has gone before and done its best to make it ­ordinary.
          I am interested in the duality between the “overly pictured” and the eternally interesting. ­Reimagining paintings and sketches I’ve done in Venice, using ­media redolent of the past, I ­create images that reference, as they reinterpret, the iconic sights and sites of Venice that are, as well, new and of today.
          I am concerned with the figurative, revisiting images until they are exhausted, making careful note of that beauty that is truth, that is simple, that is found in the everyday, that strikes a chord that ­silences, for a moment, the clamor.

Cyanotypes, variants

Cyanotypes . . . my painting and prints and sketches of the ageless sights and sites of Venice, photographed or printed from plates and rendered as cyanotypes to recapture and reinterpret Venice through a medium that speaks to the past . . .

 [ click on images to enlarge ]

Gondole  |  Cyanotype

Tre Gondole  |  Cyanotype

Il Gondoliere  |  Cyanotype

Gondoliere, Canal in Venice  |  Cyanotype

Venetian Nocturne, Il Gondoliere  |  Cyanotype

Madonna  |  Cyanotype

Prints, variants

Printmaking . . . monotype, drypoint, polyester plate lithography . . . timeless art forms and modern technology used to reinterpret Venice, recapturing elements of paintings and sketches of Venice today with the past ever present . . .

EV  |  Tre Gondole  |  Drypoint with plate tone, à la poupée

EV  |  Tre Gondole  |  Drypoint with plate tone, à la poupée

EV  |  Tre Gondole  |  Monotype, Pastel

EV  |  Tre Gondole  |  Monotype Tracing

EV  |  A Canal in Venice  |  Monotype

EV  |  Two Gondolas  |  Lithograph

EV  |  Il Gondoliere  |  Lithograph

EV  |  Vista Di Venezia  |  Lithograph

EV  |  Venice: From Under the Rialto Bridge  |  Drypoint à la poupée, plate tone

EV  |  Blue Madonna  |  Dry Point à la poupée