Indicated Realities | Prints
In my prints I use suggestion and impression to describe time and place. I am interested in how line and marks, color and gesture, along with variations in the visual perception of the paper can create a unified whole from which individual elements emerge to express something real. The resulting images contain minimal actual content but rather capture passing moments and spaces glimpsed. They are grace notes that speak to time and place, rooted in the present, connected to the past, and linking to the future. Indicated realities, they evoke recognitions both personal and universal.
The series, Indicated Realities is made up of variable editions of Intaglio prints and Lithographs.
Many of them are single-layer, multicolor prints. They are on a variety of papers, some are on gampi papers that have been attached to sheets using the chine collé process.
All of the images themselves are small, roughly 8x10. Many of them have been printed on sheets 19x27.
[ click on images to enlarge ]
A Côté de la Montagne | Lithograph
Paysage | Lithograph
La Montagne | Intaglio (drypoint)
Le Chemin | Lithograph
Sous L'Atelier | Lithograph
Along the Walker I | Intaglio (drypoint)
Along the Walker II | Intaglio (drypoint)
Paysage (La Prairie) | Lithograph
Dahlias | Intaglio (drypoint)