July 2024. As July moves into August I am moving back into my life here in Florida after a wonderful and enervating sojourn in Aix-en-Provence, France, immersed in thinking about, talking about, and making art.
I am reminding myself where I left off . . .
I am pleased to have paintings in two online exhibitions:
June 6 – August 20, 2024
American Watercolor Society
2024 Associate Members Online Exhibition
My watercolor painting, The Guardian, was selected for the 2024 American Watercolor Society Associate Members Online Exhibition. The painting captures a moment glimpsed, the cat alert, while its person sleeps . . . a moment of stillness, the stillness of sleep the still alertness of the cat.
Guardian | watercolor
| 20 x 15
May 15, 2024 – May 15, 2026
Allied Artists of America
Associates Online Exhibition
My watercolor painting, Sometimes a Sunset, was selected for the Allied Artists of America Associates Online Exhibition. It pictures a relatable moment of caught breath and references the idea that “sometimes a sunset is enough to fix a lousy day . . .” As Rachel Carson said “those who contemplate the beauties of the earth find reserves of strength.”

Sometimes a Sunset
| watercolor | 10 x 13.5
May 2024
Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing
Featured Artist
It was an honor to be asked to be the featured artist for May for the Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing and to give a zoom talk about my practice, my art journey. When thinking about what to say it came to me that my practice has been about practicing and with that thought I started pulling threads that told some of my story . .
Link to my Zoom talk

New Orleans Leaf Mask — The Watcher in the Wood
| watercolor | 7 x 11
June–July 2024
Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing
Aix-en-Provence, France
It was a great pleasure to be an Artist-in-Residence at the Leo Marchutz School of Painting and Drawing, spending five weeks in Aix-en-Provence. I chose to be an artist who studies and so partook of the classes, excursions, discussions and seminars being offered while I was there as well as drawing and painting. While there I painted some watercolor monotype plates and am interested to see how these monotypes will turn out — soon I will be printing them.
It is impossible to overstate the transformative, clarifying impact of this school — “dedicated to enhancing the ability to see — into the world, into works of art, and into ourselves — encouraging the pursuit of truth, imagination, coherence, and beauty in our art and in our lives.“ I am grateful to be a part of this community full of wonderfulness.

Nottingham Fine Art Gallery (California) . . .
You can also see some of my work in
Newport Beach, California where Nottingham Fine Art Gallery continues to display a selection of
my pieces, both framed and unframed, in their always welcoming
location. End of Day is
one of the pieces you'll find there.

End of Day |
watercolor | 10 x 16.25
Fine Framing and Design
3920 Birch St., Suite 102
Newport Beach, California 92660
949-833-1770 | info@nottinghamframing.com
Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm, Saturday: 11 am – 4 pm
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“To pay attention, this is our endless and proper work. — Mary Oliver”
. . . Wishing you the joys and satisfactions of paying attention. . . .
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“Cards and prints on Etsy
— a
selection of limited edition prints
and cards reproduced from my original paintings, both all-occasion and
holiday themes.
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me online at www.serawlinsstudio.com
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© Sharon E. Rawlins
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