These are the paintings I did with Daniel and Heather’s wedding present in mind.

The first two were done en plein air, the day of the wedding. This one was done at a spot between where Jim and I stayed and the Riverdance Lodge where the wedding was. They are 5 miles apart . . . this was closer to where we stayed than the lodge and was a spot where one could park and walk out to a sandy beach along the river.

This was was done a little further down the road at another spot . . . sort of a swimming spot, a crowd of people on the beach playing and enjoying the day . . . I found a precarious spot on which to perch sort of above and down from them. It was a beautiful spot.

I was able on the last morning to revisit this spot, it was empty of people at that time and I took a few photos, I’d been sort of on the look out for view looking up or down river with the river curving but that morning I was struck by how beautiful the river was as seen between the trees. I was so wishing there was time to paint, I had seen other spots looking across that with no other considerations I’d have wanted to paint but this was particularly nice through the trees on the spot . . . I did this one back home in my studio.

My initial thought was to give them a choice but lately I’ve been thinking, no, I’ll make it my choice as I sort of think it should be the first one, done on site, on the day . . . though I want them to be happy too . . .