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28 avril 2020
Today the Florida count is 32,846, . . . over a million cases in the United States . . . and now states are talking about “re-opening” despite the lack of testing . . . I miss the ease of life before.
I spent time in recent days in my studio, making, experimenting with making, monotypes. I worked from a sketch in one of my sketchbooks, from a trip to France in 2010 . . . a medieval angel in some cathedral or another, I remember not where . . .
I mostly used Charbonnel Aqua Wash ink, a color that I mixed from Ultramarine Blue and Burnt Sienna. I used various papers, mostly Japanese, all of which I soaked, except for some printed from plates drawn with litho crayons, they were dampened with a solvent, gamsol. All of them are handprinted. I did 12 variations, some of which I like more than others. I haven’t actually decided if I am satisfied with the results or not . . . at first I am not, then they begin to grow on me, then doubts set in . . . time will help . . .
Medieval Angel 1 | on Rives BFK (I think)
Medieval Angel 2 | on Shin Torinoko cream
with this one and all the others I reversed the sketch I was referring to so the prints would be right-reading
Medieval Angel 3 | on Shin Torinoko Cream
Medieval Angel 4 | on Torinoko Light Weight
Medieval Angel 5 | on Gampi Smooth #43 natural (I think)
Medieval Angel 6 | on Masa Dosa
Medieval Angel 7 | Litho Crayon | on Torinoko Light Weight
(will have to try the Litho Crayon(s) (need different hardnesses) on a different surface (a polyester litho plate)
Medieval Angel 8 | Litho Crayon | on Shin Torinoko White
Medieval Angel 9 | on Shin Torinoko White
Medieval Angel 10 | on Kitakata natural
Medieval Angel 11 | litho crayon on polyester litho plate printed on washi dampened with gamsol
Medieval Angel 12 | litho crayon on polyester litho plate printed on soaked Stonehenge